Comparing Different Types Of Rotary Tables

Posted on: 16 January 2024

When it comes to industrial and manufacturing processes, rotary tables play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and precision. These versatile tools are designed to rotate workpieces, allowing for accurate machining and positioning. However, with various types of rotary tables available in the market, it can be challenging to determine which one best suits your specific needs. In this article, we will compare different types of rotary tables to help you make an informed decision.

Manual Rotary Tables:

Manual rotary tables are the most basic and commonly used type. They are operated by hand and are suitable for applications that require simple indexing or positioning tasks. These tables are cost-effective and easy to use, making them an ideal choice for small-scale operations or industries with limited budgets.

Motorized Rotary Tables:

Motorized rotary tables are equipped with a motor drive, which enables automated indexing and precise positioning. These tables are controlled through a control panel or software, offering greater accuracy and flexibility. Motorized tables are typically used for more complex applications that require high repeatability and advanced automation.

CNC Rotary Tables:

CNC (computer numerical control) rotary tables are the pinnacle of precision and automation. They are integrated into CNC machines, which allows for seamless synchronization with other machining processes. CNC rotary tables offer exceptional accuracy, speed, and customization options, making them ideal for high-volume production, multi-axis machining, and intricate parts.

Tilting Rotary Tables:

Tilting rotary tables, also known as swivel or indexers, provide an additional degree of freedom by offering tilting capabilities along with rotational movement. These tables are commonly used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical, where complex machining angles are required.

Indexing Rotary Tables:

Indexing rotary tables are designed for precise indexing at predefined angles. They provide accurate and repeatable positioning, making them suitable for applications that require specific angles or divisions. Indexing tables are commonly used in industries such as tool and die making, EDM, and inspection to ensure precise machining and measurement processes.

Before selecting a rotary table, consider the specific requirements of your application. Factors such as workpiece size, weight, accuracy, speed, and automation level should be taken into account. A knowledgeable supplier or engineer can help you determine the best rotary table for your needs.

Rotary tables are essential tools in industrial and manufacturing processes. Understanding the different types available, including manual, motorized, CNC, tilting, and indexing, is crucial for selecting the right tool for your specific requirements. 

Contact a professional to learn more about rotary tables
